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Department of Labor & Industries Resources

Important links, administrative policies and factsheets:

Changes to Overtime Rules direct link:

eLearning module: This new online tool explains the changes in the overtime rules and guides users through a series of questions that can help determine whether an employee would likely meet the requirements to be classified as exempt or not.

Changes to Overtime Rules Q&A:

12-30-20 update: The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) has adopted 3 administrative policies pertaining to workplace rights. These policies provide interpretive guidance on a variety of state rules and regulations.

The 3 administrative policies are:

ES.A.1 – Minimum Wage Act Applicability
ES.B.2 – Paid Sick Leave – Normal Hourly Compensation
ES.C.11 – Student Learner Exemption for Worksite Learning and Apprenticeships in Certain Hazardous Work

L&I adopted the final policies after engaging in a stakeholdering process and accepting feedback from the public.

You can read all Employment Standards Administrative Polices on the L&I website.

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